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Outreach Worker & Supportive Counsellor

For Adult Women

The Outreach program is for women aged 19 and older. If you are under the age of 19 and are living an adult lifestyle you are considered eligible for this service. The program:

  • Offers supportive counselling to women who have been abused or are currently in an abusive relationship
  • Offers support for women who want help in their lives
  • Utilizes a women-centered approach, promoting safety, voice and choice
  • Empowers women to build healthy relationships where women are equal partners with equal voice.

All services of the Outreach program are women positive, women centered, and free. All of TSW’s employees observe strict confidentiality guidelines.

Individual Supportive Counselling

Provides the opportunity for women to discuss their situation, problem-solve and work on safety plans.

Women’s Support Group

Group is an excellent tool for breaking isolation and building self-esteem. The series of co-facilitated workshops provide information and education through video, presentations, guest speakers and sharing common strengths, and experiences.

What you can expect

  • Naming types of abuse
  • How to manage emotions
  • Developing self-awareness
  • Increasing self-esteem
  • Life strategies
  • Making decisions and goal setting
  • Addressing issues with sexuality
  • Advocacy for you to government agencies, medical professionals, etc.

The Outreach workers are sensitive to cultural and sexual diversity. We can provide information, resources and referrals for housing, legal, financial, medical, parenting and employment matters. Outreach provides services to our Transition House as well.

To set up an appointment:

Phone: 250-632-8787

Text: 250-279-0462


We look forward to working with you.

Website Proudly Developed on the unceded traditional lands of the Haisla Nation by Spruce Tree Media Ltd.